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1.5ºC Community Kick-Off
Join us at this kick-off event of the 1.5ºC community, a space for climate transition doers to focus on thriving within planetary limits.
Por Terra Lucida
Data e hora
qua, 12 de mar de 2025 18:00 - 20:00 WET
Impact Hub Lisbon - Penha
13 Rua Neves Ferreira 1170-273 Lisboa PortugalAcerca deste evento
- O evento dura 2 horas
Organizado por
At Terra Lucida, we believe in businesses’ potential of being stewards of our continued future on the planet. By helping businesses better frame their transition journey and level up their processes to get the outputs needed in as little time as possible we set them up for reaching the goals’ finish line.
We host events and promote the 1.5ºC community of practice to foster ways of thriving within planetary limits.