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Join us for a nourishing evening combining the transformative modalities of Breathwork and Sound. A unique exploration of the inner realms.

Date and time

Tuesday, September 24 · 6 - 9pm WEST


Terra Lodge, Calçada do Cravo, Santo Isidoro, Portugal

18 Calçada do Cravo 2640-086 Santo Isidoro Portugal

About this event

  • Event lasts 3 hours

ALMA RESPIRA - Breath, Sound & Energy Medicine - welcomes you to this weekly group ceremony.

Together in circle in the serene garden shala of Terra Lodge, we will dive into a transformative journey combining practises from various traditions from over the world, so we can become free from any density and stagnation in the body - mind - spirit.

The Journey:

• Guided Meditation
• Intentional Movement
• Vocal Activation
• Yogic Breathing Practises
• Conscious Connected Breathwork
• Sound Massage & Song

By moving through a series of well designed preparative steps, including a short Guided Meditation, a gentle Movement Practise, some Vocal Activation and Yogic Breathing Practises, we get ready for a true deep dive with Breathwork and an enhanced Sound Therapy experience.

In the practise of the Conscious Circular Breathing, we are able to release stagnation and distortion from the body-mind-spirit, and essentially come home into the Heart. The Breathwork Journey is supported by curated music and live sounds, allowing us to effortlessly drop out of the thinking state into a profound journey with ourselves. Mystical experiences can open doors into a new way of living.

We end the journey with an extended relaxation and Sound Massage. By placing Tibetan Singing Bowls directly on the body, the healing vibrations can travel even deeper into our inner waters, into the cells and tissues, restoring balance in our physical, mental and emotional structures. We are able to melt into a deep state of relaxation, and awaken feeling recharged and renewed.

With boundless Love,

Marie Alma

Frequently asked questions

How can I prepare for the session?

We recommend abstaining from food at least 1-2 hours prior to the session. Come with an open heart as every experience is unique.

What to bring?

You may bring your water bottle, eye cover and comfy clothes. Extra layers are recommended as the body temperature can drop during the session. We welcome sacred items for the altar if you wish to bring them.

Does Breathwork have any risks/contraindications?

Breathwork is a safe transformative & healing modality, though certain health conditions require extra care, and there are specific contraindications. Please reach out to the facilitator so they can offer you the best support according to your needs.


For your own safety and our ability to support you in the most optimal way, please carefully read and fill in our short and sweet participant form:

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