Classics Book Club @ Good Company Bookstore
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Classics Book Club @ Good Company Bookstore

Love books and great discussions? Our book club is the perfect place to connect with fellow readers and explore new perspectives.

By Good Company Bookstore

Date and time

Wednesday, March 12 · 6:30 - 8:30pm WET


Good Company Books

2 Avenida Visconde de Valmor 1000-291 Lisboa Portugal

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours

Join us for an evening of books, conversation, and community as we dive into a timeless literary classic!

Book of the Month

This month, we'll be reading To The Lighthouse by Virginia Woolfe

About the Book: The serene and maternal Mrs. Ramsay, the tragic yet absurd Mr. Ramsay, and their children and assorted guests are on holiday on the Isle of Skye. From the seemingly trivial postponement of a visit to a nearby lighthouse, Woolf constructs a remarkable, moving examination of the complex tensions and allegiances of family life and the conflict between men and women. As time winds its way through their lives, the Ramsays face, alone and simultaneously, the greatest of human challenges and its greatest triumph—the human capacity for change.

Get Your Copy: You can purchase your book on our website and choose in-store pickup or home delivery.

What To Expect From Our Book Clubs

Love books and great discussions? Our book club is the perfect place to connect with fellow readers, share thoughts, and explore new perspectives. Whether you’re a lifelong bookworm or just getting back into reading, you’re welcome to join!

Expect a cozy, welcoming atmosphere, great company, and engaging conversations over drinks. Grab your copy of the book and come along to listen and be part of the discussion!

Join Our Book Club Community

We have a WhatsApp group where you can connect with other attendees and stay updated on all our book club events.

The Venue

Good Company Books is an independent English Bookstore in Lisbon. Born from our love of global literature and our Portuguese heritage, we are crafting a space for people of all backgrounds to gather and enjoy the best books, events, coffee, and wine. Find out more on our Instagram.

How To Find Us

By Metro: We're situated a 5-minute walk from the Campo Pequeno metro (Yellow line) and a 10-minute walk from the Alameda metro (Green & Red lines).

By Bus: There are many convenient bus options 2 blocks away from us on Avenida República, with the closest stop to our store being Campo Pequeno-Av. Republica.

By Bike: If you're using the Gira public bicycles, there is a docking station right across the street (#431 - Rua do Arco Cego / Av. Magalhães Lima).

By Car: There is a paid parking lot across the street, between Rua Arco do Cego and Rua Dona Filipa de Vilhena. Street parking is also available around the neighborhood.

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