Earth Lullaby Retreat for Women to Rest & Restore with the care of Nature

Earth Lullaby Retreat for Women to Rest & Restore with the care of Nature

Yoga & Pranayama for women, Herbs for nervous & immune system, macrobiotic class, Herbal remedie class, meditation, nurturing & relaxing pr

Date and time

October 25 · 5pm - October 27 · 4:30pm WEST


Zee Barn

Rua do Coval 2640-260 Encarnação Portugal

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

The Earth Lullaby Retreat

by Teresa Feijó (Portugal, Peru) & Melania di Campli (Itália)

​25 - 27 October 2024 - Zeebarn Permaculture Center, Barril

(15 min by car from Ericeira, Portugal)


In this exclusive retreat for women, we invite you to immerse yourself in the wisdom of the autumn season, a time of transition, reflection and surrendering. Autumn teaches us the importance of letting go, releasing what no longer serves us, and preparing the inner ground for the nourishment and care needed to face the winter.

The Wisdom of Autumn

​Autumn is a time of transformation, where nature shows us the beauty of release. Leaves fall, creating a fertile space for the new.

This retreat is an opportunity to reflect on what you need to let go, releasing what does not contribute to your well-being, give space to your being just to be, and relax and creating space for growth and renewal.

Together, let us slow down, breathe deeply, gain deep body awareness and rediscover the magic of autumn as we journey inward and reconnect with the essence of who we are

Throughout the weekend you will be guided to embrace the Autumn 's energy of release and surrender, we will invite introspection and self-discovery, allowing ourselves to shed that which no longer serves us and make space for new growth, intentions and possibilities.

"We believe in the power of sisterhood, support, and the healing energies of nature."

Teresa & Melania

Our autumn retreat offers a unique opportunity for women to come together, celebrate their bond, and nourish their souls and body amidst the beauty of the natural world and the care of mother earth.

We will guide you in:

  • learn & prepare winter herbal remedies to strengthen the immune system and support nervous system.
  • ancestral herbal healing practices
  • earth rituals
  • nurturing your body, mind & spirit
  • spiritually connect with plants
  • guided meditations to relax and letting go
  • preparing a nutritious plant based macrobiotic meal
  • yoga & pranayama practices to strengthen the immune system

The retreat also includes times of:

  • silence
  • digital detox
  • time in nature
  • Macrobiotic meals,
  • herbal care
  • circle around the fire

Practices of Care and Nourishment
During this retreat, we will explore various practices

to nourish our bodies, minds and spirit.

Learning & Making Herbal Remedies

​In our retreat, we will explore the art of making herbal remedies, focusing on the healing properties of specific medicinal plants. Creating powerful tonics and salves that are designed to strengthen the immune system, promote well-being, and provide the warmth needed to thrive during the colder months. By the end of the session, you will have the knowledge and skills to create your own herbal remedies, supporting your health and deepening your connection to nature throughout autumn and winter.

Macrobiotic Cooking class & Food as Energy :

Macrobiotic cooking emphasizes balance and harmony with nature, focusing on whole grains, vegetables, and natural foods for health and well-being. Rooted in traditional Oriental dietary principles, it fosters mindful eating and a connection to the seasons. Our women's retreat will feature a cooking class on macrobiotic principles, highlighting autumn energy.

The session will focus on seasonal foods and techniques that support the lungs and large intestine, organs associated with autumn in traditional Chinese medicine. Participants will learn to incorporate warming, nutrient-dense foods to strengthen the body's defenses and promote vitality. This class offers culinary skills and insight into aligning diet with nature's rhythms for optimal health.

Practices of Letting Go & Relaxation

​Through guided meditations we will work on the process of letting go as the autumn and surrender into our bodies where we can relax deeply in a safe space releasing what you need in a gentle way and creating a lighter and more receptive inner space.

Yoga & Pranayana

During our women's retreat, daily yoga classes and pranayama sessions will align with the essence of autumn, symbolizing letting go and introspection. These practices will include introspective asanas for inner peace and clarity, and pranayama techniques to observe breath, fostering calm and balance. Together, they will release stagnant energy, creating space for clarity and new beginnings. This combination will prepare the nervous system for autumn's natural slowing down and encourage reconnection with your purest self.

Earth Rituals

​A ritual gives you the opportunity to infuse your actions with intention and meaning, so that you move through life with a sense of purpose.

They will bring deep moments of inner connection, inner journey through a very unique blending of the elements of nature, reflections about existence and deep inspirations that aim to create a environment into the depth of human layers till we meet the beauty of inner reflexion and melting into the sacredness of nature.

Rituals have always been used as a way to awaken this deeper connection to our most intimate being, observing the constant changes in nature, we recognize our own life cycles, our own rhythms as human beings.

​Rituals remind us of the interconnectedness of all life.

Digital Detox
The Silence from the buzzy life

Disconnect to really connect. having the space to turn off from the digital world and the constant pressure and unbalance that this “modern world creates” . an opportunity to re-establish your energy and receive the healing power of nature

Connection and Community

In addition to this practices, this retreat offers a safe and welcoming space for connection among women. We will share stories, learnings, and mutual support, creating a network of strength and solidarity.

This retreat is for you if:

If you need a break from your daily routine.

If you need to rest and take care of yourself.

If you spend your time taking care of others, but you don't have time for yourself.

This retreat is specially designed for you – for mothers, therapists, businesswomen, and any woman who needs to stop and rest from the active daily life.

Why participate?

  • If you want to learn to connect and embrace the autumn within you.

  • If you want to connect with other women on this path of self-discovery and self-care.

  • If you are interested in medicinal herbalism and macrobiotic healing food to support your nervous system and to strengthen your immune system

  • If you want to practice some yoga and pranayama to support your nervous system

  • If you are in a time that you really need to release to give space inside of you

  • If you just want to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life and take some nurturing time for yourself.

Meet the Retreat Facilitators

Melania Di Campli (Itália)

Melania is originally from Tuscany, Italy but she has a nomadic soul.She grew up exposed to oriental culture, Indian traditions, Macrobiotic diet and philosophy. She has been involved in various permaculture projects all over the world, where she discovered an inner joy and power in connecting with mother earth.She is one of the co-creator of Zee Barn Eco Project where she shares her love and service as a macrobiotic chef. Melania believes that the universal energies of nature are absorbed through the foods we eat and transmuted into our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Melania is also a committed yoga practitioner and experienced yoga teacher.

Read more about Melania:

Teresa Feijó - (Portugal , Peru )

Teresa Feijó is an plant alchemist, holistic herbalist, Eco-therapist. She is the founder of MAMITAY & SONQO TARIY-Peru. For the past 10 years, she has actively worked with plant alchemy, holistic herbalism, healing perfumes, and ancient cultures in the field of human development, emphasizing nature-based practices, eco-therapy, and active hope.

Teresa believes in the power and uses of nature as portals for healing, expansion, and harmony, fostering a more loving human evolution in tune with the rhythms of nature. Read more about Teresa:

Instagram: @mamitay_floridawater

Our Beautiful Venue


Zee Barn is an Eco project located 15 north from Ericeira. It was born out of a love for living simply in balance with Mother Nature but also out of a need for an integrative and functional way of life. A system through which a community of people and other life forms can live in synchronicity with each other. A permaculture example of how the land can be restored, soil can be rejuvenated, eco-systems can be resuscitated, structures can be integrated, water can be harnessed, trees can live in symbiosis and human beings can become land collaborative stewards in a process where our actions leave a conscious positive impact on nature. Zee Barn is a restorative dimension. It calls out to those who feel that it’s time to re-connect with their like minded beings, find inner peace, get inspired and rejuvenate themselves.

Instagram : @zeebarn

Full Program Included

*limited to 13 women

2 Nights & 3 days at ZeeBarn

all breakfast - saturday & sunday (2)

Lunch saturday and sunday (2)

Dinner friday and saturday (2)

Herbal teas, fruits & nuts during the time of arrival, till the end of the retreat.

Material for Herbal Practices and herbal Remedies

Yoga & Pranayama Clases

Marcrobiotic cooking Class

Retreat Practice

Full Program Price per Person:

Shared Dorm Room - 480€*
Private Cabin with shared Bathroom - 540€*

Cancellation and refund policy

If you cancel your registration by Sep. 24th, 2024 you will be refunded 50% of the value paid. Please note that if you book via Eventbrite, your refund does not include the Eventbrite fee, which is non-refundable.

If you cancel your reservation between Sep. 25th and Oct 12th, 25% of the total amount paid will be refunded.

If you cancel your registration after October 13th or choose to opt-out of the retreat at any time after arriving we will not be able to refund any portion of the amount paid.

If the cancellation is on the part of the retreat organizers, the entire amount is refundable, minus the EventBrite fee.

Frequently asked questions

Cancellation and refund policy

If you cancel your registration by Sep. 24th, 2024 you will be refunded 50% of the value paid. Please note that if you book via Eventbrite, your refund does not include the Eventbrite fee, which is non-refundable. If you cancel your reservation between Sep. 25th and Oct 12th, 25% of the total amount

Who is this retreat suitable for?

This retreat is open to women of all backgrounds and experience levels. Whether you are new to yoga and herbalism or have practiced for years. The environment is supportive and welcoming to beginners. Its for all women who need a time off and be nurtured.

What types of yoga will be practiced?

The retreat will include a mix of Hatha, Iyanger, and Restorative yoga. Morning sessions will be more restorative, promoting relaxation and introspection. designed especially for women.

What will I learn in the herbalism sessions, and how will it support my health during winter?

The herbal sessions will focus on using medicinal herbs to create tonics & salves that specifically support the nervous & immune systems, during the winter months. You’ll learn how to work with herbs that nourish and strengthen the body’s inner systems, helping to bringmore resilience and vitality

Is there a spiritual or religious component to the retreat?

While the retreat encourages mindfulness and a connection with nature, it is not affiliated with any specific religion or spiritual practice. Participants are invited to engage in the practices in a way that aligns with their personal beliefs.

Do I need previous experience in yoga or herbalism to attend?

No prior experience is necessary. The retreat is designed to accommodate both beginners and those with more experience. Meli & Teresa will tailor sessions to meet the needs of all participants.

What should I bring to the retreat?

Once you've registered, we'll contact you to give you all the instructions. It's all very simple. The yoga, herbalism and macrobiotic material is all provided by us.

Where is the retreat located, and what are the accommodations like?

The retreat will take place in a Permaculture sanctuary, natural setting. Accommodations are typically in rustic cabins, and a simple and yet woody simple dorm. The environment is simple but comfortable & beautiful

I want to go to the retreat, but I don't have a car. How can I get there?

Don't worry, we'll help you get there. We'll organize shared rides with the other participants. The environment and your wallet will thank you.

Organized by

From €513.69