Pulsar - Autumn Retreat (11-13 Oct)

Pulsar - Autumn Retreat (11-13 Oct)

During the autumn equinox quarantine we scheduled a meeting for 3 days. How does this cycle of the sun's descent go through us?

Date and time

Starts on Friday, October 11 · 5pm WEST


Villam Natura & Spa

497 Rua António José de Almeida 4760-176 Vila Nova de Famalicão Portugal

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

Hosting the cold seasons inside a community
During the autumn equinox quarantine we scheduled a meeting for 3 days. How does this cycle of the sun's descent go through us?

We pulse when we remember part of living nature, that we are porous to its movements and a body in constant transformation.

We will welcome the external and internal landscapes, intertwining them, agreeing on resources that we can take to relate to our cyclicality.

Through the encounter with you and the group. Since ancient times, we meet in circles and groups to become aware of the cycles and their crossings. Group meetings are irreplaceable for our mammalian and ecosystemic nature, as a space for understanding and repair.

Through the body. How to embrace body wisdom? Throughout these three days we will awaken body awareness as part of the living and sensitive nature. We will work on resources that we can then take home for encounter and regulation.
Through creativity in all its living and free forms. We will explore expression, accessing this natural channel of existence to bring out hidden pieces of ourselves.

The days will be linked by circles, practices and moments that will be based on meditation, eco-somatic education, therapeutic movement and dance, intuitive art, eco-mythology and eco-psychology.


6pm Opening circle

7pm Dinner

9pm Meditation

8am Meditation
9am Breakfast
10am Immersive practice
1pm Lunch
4pm Immersive practice
7pm Dinner in silence
9pm Sound journey

8am Meditation
9am Breakfast
10am Immersive practice
1pm Lunch
3pm Closing circle


We will make complete, organic and nutritious meals a day, prepared from scratch by the conscious and natural educator Diana Fernandes, plant-based, with whole, local and seasonal ingredients, without processed foods, added sugars or products of animal origin.
Water, tea and biscuits available 24 hours a day.


The retreat takes place at Villam Natura, a beautiful and restored family farm in Vila Nova de Famalicão, surrounded by an extensive lawn, fruit trees and outdoor pool. The practice room is located outside the house and will be a temple and shelter that will always be open during these three days. The interior of the house includes a large living room with a fireplace that will welcome us in moments of nourishment, familiarity and rest.

Rooms have twin beds or couple bed.All rooms have private bathroom.
The retreat has limited places and is set for a small number of participants.
Couples and families are very welcome.


Car: 25 minutes from Porto and Braga, with free parking.
Train: from Vila Nova de Famalicão train station you can can take a 5 minutes taxi/uber


3 days (2 nights)


Check-in on Friday 11th October after 5pm.
Check-out on Sunday 13th October at 4pm.

Per person. All included.

€370 - booking until 16th September

€400 - booking after 16th September


- Payment of €100 upon registration (refundable only in case of cancellation under the responsibility of Meditation House Porto).
- Payment of the remaining before the start of the retreat.

Save your place by filling out the form below and making the payment.All the informations help to make the retreat a safe and trustful encounter and will stay confidential.

Feel very welcome!

We meet at the reception of the house <3

Inês and Nuno
Meditation House Porto (IG)

If you have any other questions, please contact Meditation House Porto via WhatsApp (+351927090747) or email meditationhouseporto@gmail.com

Organized by

Meditation House Porto is a direct invitation for workshops, events and retreats based on meditation, self-knowledge, movement, plant-based nutrition, yoga, breathwork, rituals, holistic healing.

The purpose of the events change all the time to work different aspects of ourselves, sometimes more introspective with silence or writing, sometimes more focused on body release with free movement and dance.
 Sharing circles, music, support and care are always present.

The events take place in Quinta da Arroteia - Meditation House Porto, a lovely and quiet place surrounded by nature so that everyone can be, feel, explore the inner journey and share the experience in a safe and comfortable environment.

Some events include plant-based lunch or dinner made on the house by Inês, our master of healthy and delicious nutrition.

Join us!

Inês and Nuno
 (teachers & co-founders)


Inês, 39 years old, is passionate about life, its mysteries and endless possibilities of exploration.

Life took her from communication and production of artistic events and content to the production of human development events.

She is bringing to the world some of the healing tools that support her self-knowledge: meditation, writing, dancing and natural cooking.

Always studying and learning with the wisdom of those who inspire her, but above all through giving her whole body to life.

There is nothing that teaches Inês more than this experience that is living and exploring all its magic.

Nuno, 42 years old, looked for answers to his existential anxieties in all that society promotes to find out that experiences turned to the material world yet important are ephemeral.

By exploring techniques of self knowledge, he started his journey “back home”, but it was through the practice of the diverse methodologies of meditation that he started a deeper and more authentic relationship with himself and the world around him.

After living alone on the hill without tv and social media for some years, where he received people to meditate and provided private personal development sessions, he decided to expand his activity to the public in early 2022.

Nuno leads meditation classes, workshops, courses and 1:1 sessions, as well as retreats at a lovely farm in Porto. His mission is to promote meditation and help others integrating it in their daily lives.

His sessions follow the way of self inquiry, silence and self management through integration and liberation, as well as the zen approach - being with the reality as it is in the present moment.

He develops and applies the methodology of Meditative Coaching and he also wrote a book named “A Prova do José” while expanding through PNL, Coaching and sports training.