QASEL - Professional Development
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Caroline de Hennin is the facilitator of this 2 day course and has been coaching for more than 12 years. She has extensive expertise as a lead coach and presenter across all Queensland state schooling sectors, including:
- Facilitating training in coaching conversations to more than 2000 participants (including school leaders, coaches, teachers, teacher assistants, business managers) from all regions across Queensland
- Supporting school leaders to use a coaching approach for teacher capability development
- Consulting in schools on the design and implementation of coaching frameworks
- Coaching principals and school leaders to grow leadership capabilities
- Working as an instructional coach in school settings
QASEL - Professional Development
Próximos (3)
Passados (4)
Getting the best out of your interview for leaders of all levels
qui., 30 de mai., 06:00 UTC
Verifique o preço do bilhete no evento
Preparing a written application - Tips and Tools for leaders of all levels
qua., 24 de abr., 06:00 UTC
Verifique o preço do bilhete no evento